Many families reach out after the conclusion of the services to let us know how much our support and guidance meant to them in their time of need, and we’re honored to receive such heartfelt praise. We feel that these messages speak for themselves and we’d like to share them with you.
If you feel we’ve gone above and beyond in supporting you through this difficult time or would simply like to reach out and say thanks, contact us to share your thoughts or submit a testimonial below. It means the world to us to hear from you and know that we’ve made a difference.
I want to express my condoleances to the children and grandchildren by the death of their father and grandfather Herman Van Zonneveld . He was my cousin and I have met him many times in the U,S, as well as in the Netherlands. He was a wonderful person and I know he is now with His Lord and Saviour. May the Lord help you in your sorrow when you miss him.. Greetings in His name, Greet
Greet S.Rietkerk
July 17, 2015
Gillies Funeral Home & Cremation Services
Phone: (360) 354-4428, (360) 318-0988, (360) 354-0336
Fax: (360) 354-1628
202 Front St., Lynden, WA 98264
© Gillies Funeral Home & Cremation Services
Crafted with care by Frazer Consultants and TA
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